Environmental Policy

(incorporating the 5 Marks of Mission)


Our relationship with creation, the natural environment, is integral to our relationship with God. Good ecology is a matter of social justice and so is central to what it means to be a Christian. Care for the environment should therefore permeate all our Christian practice, both collectively and individually. It is a mark of our Christian mission (See Appendix).

But humanity’s way of life is causing catastrophic climate instability, biodiversity loss and pollution. So the purpose of this Policy is to commit ourselves to take urgent action to address these issues, in the context of our Diocesan vision of Renewal, Faithfulness and Generosity. 

Environmental Policy Aims


1.  Understand the positive and negative impacts of our activities, land and buildings on the environment in order to promote:

  • Climate stability by achieving Net Zero Carbon by 2030;
  • Increased biodiversity;
  • A pollution free environment. 

2.      Emphasise frequently God’s love for Creation through our actions, liturgy, theology and training. 

3.      Establish an Environment Action Group to work with the Diocesan Environment Officer to produce an Action Plan (to include ecoChurch and ecoDiocese)

4.      Support all parts of the Diocese to achieve these Policy Aims and Action Plan objectives. 

5.      Work collaboratively across the island to further these Policy Aims and objectives. 


Mission and the Environment

Our mission to share the good news of Our Lord Jesus Christ across the Diocese is summarised in the Five Marks of Mission (Lambeth Conference 1988): 

1. To proclaim the good news of the Kingdom 

2. To teach, baptize and nurture new believers 

3. To respond to human need by loving service 

4. To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation 

5. To strive to safeguard the integrity of Creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth. 

Net Zero Carbon by 2030

In February 2020 General Synod voted to set a target for the whole Church of England of achieving ‘net-zero’ carbon by 2030. This commitment was confirmed with a second vote in 2022 to adopt the ‘Routemap to net zero carbon by 2030’.

Policy                                                             Date

Owner                 Bishop of Sodor and Man

Manager             Diocesan Secretary

Author                 Diocesan Environment Officer          19/5/2022

Approved            Bishop’s Leadership Team                   23/6/2022

Adopted              Diocesan Synod 

Review                3 yearly by Synod